I am a graphic designer and live in Northern New South Wales Australia with Jinta, my partner, wife,mother of my 2 beautiful children Maya and Gabriel. I like to work with Photoshop and travel to beautiful locations and take photos, which I turn into slideshows or cards. I like my garden very much too and spend many hours in it
unbelievable views on the walk around the canyon are stunning. The cliffs are very deep and it is quite scary seeing walkers pose right on the edge of anhuge drop for the camera
there are many birds visiting the waterholes, which are getting smaller and smaller in the dry season. Flocks of one kind of birds wait in the surrounding trees until it is their turn and descent on the billabong together
The Presso was a fantastic companion making the best espresso with the push of those 2 handles. The other tourists have gone as soon as the sun went up and we had the place for ourselves to enjoy our breakfast
what a beautiful home the camper van is, with a comfortable bed a stove, fridge and the music from the I-Pod. What more? The ground there is fine red dust, wonder how it feels after some rain. The roadhouse featured a singing dingo
we heard there were rock wallabies at the Simpson gorge and we saw that one, sitting quite tame and calm. The chewed ears must have come from wild dog attacks, as most of the rock wallabies have gone